Laser Therapy for Pain
One of the most prominent health issues in the United States is chronic pain. Chronic pain afflicts tens of millions of people, and it is not an easy problem to address. People with chronic pain must often “doctor shop” to find a physician who can actually help.
Chronic pain can come from different sources. It might stem from a disease, an accident, surgical complications, or other causes. And, unfortunately, attempts to alleviate the pain may make it worse. So, what is the solution? In a few words, laser therapy.
Laser therapy is safe, near painless, and can be done in a few minutes. Side effects are minimal, and improvement can be obvious after one or two treatments. Pain relief can last for three to four days after treatment and generally lasts even longer as more treatments are conducted. Laser therapy works by photobiomodulation. This references the process that occurs when light causes a complex chain of reactions in damaged tissues to speed healing, tissue regeneration, and reduce chronic pain. And by no means is laser therapy restricted to a few kinds of pain relief – in fact, lasers can be used to treat many pain syndromes.
Laser treatments for pain have the following features:
- Faster healing.
- Quick results.
- Short treatments.
- Same day normal activity.
- Does not require drugs.
- Minimal side effects.
Laser treatment for pain has its cautions and contraindications, of course. Before treatment, a diagnosis must confirm that the injury is musculoskeletal. Skin lesions must be closely examined. Only if they are not cancerous can the laser treatment be given. Also, treatment is not given to those who are pregnant.
Besides specifically targeting and reducing pain, laser therapy is also able to reduce inflammation. Research has given some evidence that laser light can decrease pro-inflammatory cellular response and increase anti-inflammatory responses. Laser therapy is also used for rehabilitation in professional athletes, and even to help uninjured athletes to warm up.
The types of pain that laser therapy can help are numerous. Some examples are:
- Bursitis.
- Fasciitis.
- Low back pain.
- Tennis elbow.
- Carpal tunnel syndrome.
- Osteoarthritis.
- Rotator cuff strain.
- Cervical strain.
- Plantar fasciitis.
Laser light therapy for chronic pain reduction has some other notable features, including being non-ablative and non-invasive, and it does not cause damage to treated tissues.
You don’t have to pursue any more “traditional” treatments of drugs or surgery for chronic pain relief. Laser therapy has many advantages to the older methods and almost none of the side effects. If you’re thinking about having laser therapy, talk to some doctors who specialize in it. Experience what it’s like to live a life free of constant pain.