Spinal stenosis may or may not be accompanied by pain, tingling, and numbness. The condition is most commonly caused by the wear and tear on the spine related to osteoarthritis. The narrowing and compression of the spaces surrounding the nerves in the spine can cause irritation, inflammation, and even the loss of mobility.
The earlier stenosis is discovered and treated, the better the chances of successful treatment without surgery. At the Non-Surgical Spine Center, we are dedicated to helping you find the treatment plan that fits best with your situation. There is no reason to live with this pain, and it can get only worse when left untreated.
Contact us today about making an appointment to see what the right course of action is for you. Here, we begin the journey by teaching you what could be signs that you are suffering from stenosis.
There Are Two Types
The type of stenosis you suffer from depends upon the location of the compression. Cervical stenosis is found in the neck and upper back, between the shoulders. Lumbar stenosis is found in the lower back. Between the two, lumbar stenosis is the more common condition.
Either condition can cause pain, numbness, tingling, and a loss of mobility and use of limbs. Once you understand what area the pain is in, you can begin to decide the best treatment options with your doctor.
Symptoms Of Stenosis
While CT scans or MRIs may show the condition, many people don’t show symptoms in the early stages. Therefore, it’s important to have regular scans if the condition is likely due to your personal medical history. This is something to discuss with your doctor from the first appointment to ensure they have all of the necessary information on hand.
Symptoms include tingling and numbness, or weakness in the arm, hand, foot, or leg. Some patients experience neck and back pain, and even problems with walking and balance. Severe cases may even produce problems with bowel and bladder function.
Lumbar stenosis may also create pain or cramping in the legs when standing and walking that is relieved by bending and sitting. If you start to notice a collection of these symptoms, it may be time to see a medical professional.
When To See Your Doctor
Stenosis symptoms may mimic other disorders. Some back pain is caused by muscle strain and will go away on its own with rest and care. This is why it is very important to pay attention to how your body is feeling. Some signs that stenosis is the cause, and that you should see your doctor include:
- Intermittent Pain: The pain comes and goes, severe at some times and almost non-existent at others.
- Positional Pain: Certain positions increase the pain. In particular, standing, walking, and other upright activities like riding a bike cause pain and a cramping sensation in the legs.
- The Pain Changes: When you lie down, sit, or lean forward, it relieves the pressure, so you’ll notice a reduction in pain within minutes.
- Small Changes Bring Big Relief: Even a small shift in position brings about significant relief.
Spinal stenosis does not have to take over your life. If you are suffering from the symptoms of spinal stenosis, call for a consultation. We can recommend non-invasive treatments that can bring long-term relief.
Are you noticing these symptoms in your own life and wondering if they may be signs of spinal stenosis? The Non-Surgical Spine Center is here to help you choose the best course of treatment and diagnose the condition as a whole. Check out our website or give us a call at (843) 856-9669 for more information.