Peripheral Neuropathy

Peripheral Neuropathy

Peripheral Neuropathy is a disease that affects millions of Americans who have experienced nerve damage typically from diabetes, low thyroid, chemotherapy, or even unknown causes. Those who are suffering from peripheral neuropathy frequently visit a wide array of health service providers trying to find a physician who can offer a helpful solution in addressing and relieving their frequently debilitating pain/numbness.


Peripheral neuropathy results from nerve damage and affects the signals traveling from the periphery to the brain. It may cause numbness, tingling, pain, and balance issues as it frequently affects the extremities.


Peripheral neuropathy historically has had limited treatment options with the exception of medications. At the Non-Surgical Spine Center, we have introduced innovative technology to the Charleston area that has been proven to decrease symptoms in a majority of patients – Scrambler therapy. It is non-invasive, safe, with little or no side effects. It can be a life-changing treatment regimen for patients with limited medical options and is currently utilized at Johns Hopkins, Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, and Walter Reed Military Hospital with numerous medical studies demonstrating its high success rate. Patients can now receive the same innovative treatment regimen for Peripheral Neuropathy in beautiful Charleston SC in a private practice setting.

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Each treatment regimen is painless and consists of 10 one-hour scrambler sessions all performed in our outpatient Charleston area Scrambler Center. Total treatment time is 10 hours performed over a 2 week period. Electrodes (similar to EKG pads) are placed on the skin just outside the area of chronic pain and/or numbness.

Upon medical device activation, the “maladaptive chronic pain or numbness” signals traveling from the damaged nerves to the brain are converted to a normal “pain-free” signal. The process is similar to flipping a light or dimmer switch and turning down your chronic pain or numbness sensations. It has proven to be a life-changing treatment option based on numerous medical studies for many individuals throughout the country that previously did not respond to conventional medical treatment.


Aside from diabetic peripheral neuropathy, several other conditions can also be treated effectively with scrambler therapy including the following:

  • Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy
  • Failed neck or back surgery pain (post-surgical syndrome)
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Chronic intractable neck and back pain
  • Chronic radiculopathy pain
  • Complex regional pain syndrome (RSD)
  • Postherpetic neuralgia (chronic pain after shingles)
  • Brachial plexopathy (nerve injury) pain



  • Provides pain relief without medications, injections, spinal cord stimulator implantation, and surgical intervention
  • The machine uses electroanalgesic signals alleviating chronic pain without medications
  • Out-patient treatment
  • Cost-saving; the procedure is performed in our medical office and is exponentially less expensive than spinal cord stimulators
  • Non-invasive with little to no side effects

Before treatment, the physician must confirm that your symptoms are neuropathic or nerve-related. Treatment is not available to patients who are pregnant, have a pacemaker, or a spinal cord stimulator.

For inquiries about how scrambler therapy can help in providing relief from peripheral neuropathy, please contact us at (843) 856-9669.