The spine has many openings where the nerves travel. In some patients, these openings may be extremely narrow, which is called stenosis. In these individuals, the nerves do not have enough room and they become easily irritated due to compression. Over time, the nerves may become inflamed or pinched resulting in neck, back, arm, or leg pain. An MRI, CT, or EMG may be necessary for an accurate diagnosis. Nonsurgical treatment options include, but are not limited to, epidurals, selective nerve root blocks, spinal cord stimulators, and physical therapy.
Stenosis of the spine is a condition in which narrowing of the spinal column occurs, putting pressure upon the nerves that pass through the spaces. When the narrowing becomes severe, it puts pressure on the nerves, causing symptoms like numbness, tingling, and weakness. Leg or arm weakness, lower back pain while standing or walking, numbness in the legs or buttocks, and balance problems are all symptoms of stenosis.
The most common cause of stenosis is aging. As the body ages, the spine and other support structures begin to degenerate. Tissues start to thicken and bones may begin to press upon the nerves. The inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis can also cause stenosis. Birth defects and other genetic conditions can contribute to stenosis as well as Paget’s disease, scoliosis, bone tumors, and achondroplasia, a disease related to dwarfism.
The treatment plan for your stenosis depends upon the specifics of your condition, such as the severity of the condition and cause. Pain relievers, antidepressants, and physical therapy may be a part of your treatment plan. Certain anti-seizure drugs are recommended to reduce pain caused by damaged nerves. For short-term pain relief, opioids may be prescribed. Steroid injections may help reduce inflammation. A decompression procedure may be recommended in certain cases of lumbar stenosis resulting from thickened ligaments. Your medical team will work with you to determine the best course of action based on the specifics of your case.
Non-Surgical Spine Center was established with the mission of providing patients and clinicians a non-surgical alternative in the treatment of spine and musculoskeletal pain. Utilizing the most current and innovative diagnostic and therapeutic techniques, our group offers patients a multitude of options for improving daily function and quality of life while significantly decreasing levels of pain. If you are experiencing arm or leg pain, feel free to contact our office at 843-856-9669 or at our contact page.