Lower back pain may start small, and when it does it’s easy enough to ignore or dismiss. But when you go about your regular routine, that small pain can quickly grow into an issue that completely hinders your ability to move. Learn some of the most common causes of lower back pain and how they may be treated below.
Lower Back Pain Causes
- Herniated Discs. Discs that form the vertebra allows us to easily move without suffering pain or irritation. However, those discs can become displaced, either through the application of strong and sudden force or simply over time. When that happens, a disc poses a potential threat to the nerves of the surrounding wall, causing searing pain as they come in contact and even tearing them, creating a more constant pain.
- Joint pain. Within the structure of the spine are different joints connecting the nerves throughout the body while also allowing for a certain range of motion for certain connected parts. Inflammation of these joints leads to aches and pains, a condition that is commonly caused by not engaging in enough physical activity. Likewise, disc pain as described above can cause joint paint by directly aggravating nerves.
- Chronic issues. Bad habits make for bad problems. If you regularly sit in a chair with poor lumbar support or have to make awkward motions as part of your job (which isn’t uncommon in certain areas of physical labor), you may end up putting undue, repetitive stress on your lower back. These can heal in time with corrective behavior, though in some cases other procedures may be needed.
- Injury from trauma. Anything you weren’t prepared for—a fall, a crash, an assault—doesn’t give your body time to try and protect itself and minimize the damage. Accidents are a common cause of back injury, including lower back injury, and if left untreated can worsen as time goes on.
Lower Back Pain Relief
Generally speaking, some common types of back pain can heal over time without the need for medical procedures if good practices are adopted. These mostly relate to posture and how it provides lower back pain relief. For example, some sleep positions can ease symptoms of lower back pain. In other cases, however, non-invasive procedures like those provided by Non-Surgical Spine Center can bring deeper, faster relief to more severe issues.
If you’re living with lower back pain and want to learn more about how the non-surgical practices of NCCS can get you back on track, contact us today for more information.